Wednesday, 6 November 2013

OGR- Amazonian Jester

OGR- Secret Lair

1 comment:

  1. OGR 07/11/2013

    Hey Sam,

    A very lucid OGR document. I very much like the idea of the Jester being in part, shamanic - and perhaps, for this reason, you could open the door to a touch of mysticism - if only in so much as giving the license for some more dramatic lighting approaches. I'm thinking here of Disney-esque freedoms in terms of prepping this scene for animation - for example:

    Really like the idea of the ruins/roots environments - and I can see here how a strategically placed matte-painting could lend richness and scale to your world - without at this stage committing you to modelling an entire jungle!

    Yes - the mask is not only a logical choice, but a juicy prospect in terms of design. There is one very rich reference you might want to take a look at prior to getting stuck in further: go and watch Mel Gibson's movie Apocalypto - really filmic, great design throughout, and pretty exciting too when all is said and done:

    Looking forward to seeing you move this on, Sam - but keep your blog updated little and often - include break downs of your image-making etc - in short, create a buzz, keep people checking in, create a comprehensive, exhaustive body-of-work!
